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Pilot Grove City Park Pilot Grove, MO
841 days ago

TheBoat 4 reviews

"Friendly Boondock"

We pulled into the Pilot Grove City Park in the late afternoon, and, per other posters, called the police department to let them know we were there. They simply couldn’t have been friendlier! They gave recommendations on the best place to park and... Read more

Bobcat Boat Landing Bamberg, SC
1477 days ago

TheBoat 4 reviews

"Parking lot with a view!"

This is just a parking lot, but it’s close to many thoroughfares. It’s also fairly quiet (there was a stream of forty hunters at 5am(!) but they weren’t loud), and scenic. Great for an overnight.

1478 days ago

TheBoat 4 reviews

"Wonderful owners, well kept campground"

Couldn’t have had a more friendly greeting and was shown and assisted in backing into our spot. $5 bought half a front loader of firewood, and everyone was just wonderful. Strong wifi (email and light browsing), but our cell signal was strong... Read more

1851 days ago

TheBoat 4 reviews

"Just couldn’t stay"

This site is easy to get to but stark and open. We arrived to three other RVs and a random mattress and RV/Marine toilet out in the open (?) arranged in a semi-circle. All the best views were taken and we didn’t want to stare at the highway. Opted... Read more
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Pilot Grove City Park
Pilot Grove, MO
"Friendly Boondock"
Bobcat Boat Landing
Bamberg, SC
"Parking lot with a view!"
"Wonderful owners, well kept campground"
"Just couldn’t stay"
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