Question about Sawmill Road Campground

KAREN DEVINE asked on 5/20/2021

Can you reserve a campsite at Sawmill Road Campground ahead of time?

Answer question
Pittsburgh, PA
15' nüCamp T@b 320
Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk
82 reviews

Answered on 5/20/2021:

No, they are all first-come.
Wandering Pulse
Wandering Pulse
25' Fleetwood Pulse
257 reviews
Wandering Pulse

Answered on 5/20/2021:

The campgrounds in this area have changed from REcreation Land to the State Park system I believe. But this is what I found on the linked website for Sawmill: Jesse Owens offers four no-fee campgrounds. Campers should follow the self-registration process. Campsites may be occupied on a first-come, first-served basis with a two-week maximum stay. All other state park camping rules apply.

Answered on 9/8/2021:

No, sorry, there is no way to reserve a campsite ahead of time. There are 27 sites available, including a 25A and 25B. The registration box is located at the bathroom. Half the registration goes in the reg. box, and the other half goes on the white pole in front of your campsite.