slug => blankley-road-west-designated-dispersed-campsite-7 |
display_name => Blankley Road West Designated Dispersed Campsite 7 |
title_tag => |
meta_description => |
longitude => -78.59462127 |
latitude => 39.8317873 |
zoom_level => 14 |
category_id => 29 |
website => |
email => |
phone1 => 717-485-3148 |
phone2 => |
address_line1 => Blankey Rd. |
address_line2 => |
city_id => 24132 |
state_id => 44 |
country_id => 1 |
zip => |
description => Camping is only allowed at designated campsites in Buchanan State Forest. Reservations and permits are required and can be made online or over the phone. Campfires are prohibited from March 1 - May 25 without authorization from the state forest.
Black bears frequent the area. When not in immediate use, all food, beverages, coolers, cooking utensils, pet food, or other attractants must be kept in a closed, hard-sided vehicle or secured in a bear-proof storage container.
Accessibility is not guaranteed, always scout ahead before driving down dirt roads. Learn more: [Boondocking 101]( |
pad_type => gravel |
youtube_video => |
electric => false |
dry_camping => true |
amp_30 => false |
amp_50 => false |
water => false |
water_available => false |
sewer => false |
dump_station => false |
dump_station_price => |
laundry => false |
showers => false |
propane => false |
cable_tv => false |
wifi => |
pets => true |
dog_run => false |
swimming_pool => |
hot_tub => false |
big_rig => false |
pull_thru => false |
max_length => 40 |
view_sites => false |
rate_low => |
weekly_rate => false |
monthly_rate => false |
additional_amenities => |
triple_a => false |
good_sam => false |
passport_america => false |
thousand_trails => false |
coast_coast => false |
koa => false |
user_id => 1807 |
number_of_sites => 1 |
recycle => false |
happy_camper => false |
escapees => false |
fmc => false |
featured => false |
popular => false |
picnic_table => false |
fire_ring => false |
trash_at_site => false |
restrooms => |
trash => false |
general_store => false |
restaurant => false |
security => false |
firewood => false |
no_tents => false |
rv_rental => false |
rv_storage => false |
handicap => false |
reservations => yes |
playground => false |
water_access => false |
rec_hall => false |
recreation_trail => false |
fishing => false |
boat_ramp => false |
marina => false |
swimming_beach => false |
picnic_area => false |
gym => false |
horseshoes => false |
mini_golf => false |
arcade => false |
volleyball => false |
book_exchange => false |
rate_high => |
elevation => 2099 |
seasonal => false |
seasonal_open => |
seasonal_close => |
location_group_id => |
verified => false |
approved => false |
import_source => |
import_id => |
is_verified => false |
is_approved => true |
is_closed => false |
is_verified_by => |
is_verified_datetime => |
is_approved_by => |
is_approved_datetime => |
is_closed_by => |
is_closed_datetime => |
photos_count => 0 |
reviews_count => 0 |
blog_posts_count => 0 |
getting_there => |
open_seasonally => false |
dispersed => true |
fiftyfiveplus => false |
aarp => false |
senior_discounts => false |
military_discounts => false |
pet_restrictions => |
cabins => false |
tents => yes |
basketball_court => false |
tennis_court => false |
boat_rental => false |
bike_rental => false |
four_wheel_drive => false |
small_rvs => false |
source => |
updated_by_id => |
ftx_search => |
place_id => 1661 |
group_campground => false |
group_sites => false |
fulltime_residents => false |
mobile_homes => false |
signal_att => |
signal_verizon => |
open_seasonally_text => |
phone_reservation => 888-727-2757 |
lead_photo_url_cache => |
city_name_cache => |
city_slug_cache => |
price_cache => |
max_stay => 7 |
ohv_area => false |
horse_corral => false |
casino => false |
title_normalized => blankleyroadwestdesignateddispersedsite |
stars => 0 |
adult_only => false |
clothing_optional => false |
pet_restrictions_boolean => false |
permit_required => true |
30_amp => |
avg_access_rating => 0 |
avg_location_rating => 0 |
avg_scenery_rating => 0 |
avg_cleanliness_rating => 0 |
avg_site_quality_rating => 0 |
avg_noise_rating => 0 |
avg_verizon4g_signal => |
avg_verizon3g_signal => |
avg_verizon_extended_signal => |
avg_att4g_signal => |
avg_att3g_signal => |
avg_att_extended_signal => |
avg_sprint4g_signal => |
avg_sprint3g_signal => |
avg_sprint_extended_signal => |
avg_tmobile4g_signal => |
avg_tmobile3g_signal => |
avg_tmobile_extended_signal => |
affiliate_link => |
choice_2017 => false |
choice_2018 => false |
jp_hot_springs => false |
jp_bathing_suits => false |
jp_tattoos => false |
town_id => |
youtube_video_user_id => |
youtube_video_description => |
gov_campsite_number => |
tent_only => false |
location_submitted_by_id => |
updated_by_at => |
jp_private => false |
elevation_updated => false |
closed_temporarily => false |
closed_temporarily_reason => |
open_to_all => false |
computed_rating => 0 |
booking_url => |
host_rule_1 => |
host_rule_2 => |
host_rule_3 => |
host_rule_4 => |
host_rule_5 => |
max_height => |
max_width => |
source_id => |
source_location_id => |
sq_photo_url_cache => |
sq_lead_photo_urls => [] |
published_photo_count => 0 |
avg_verizon5g_signal => |
avg_att5g_signal => |
avg_tmobile5g_signal => |
check_in_time => |
check_out_time => |
overnight_rv_parking => |
overnight_rv_parking_not_enforced => |
overnight_rv_parking_comment => |
overnight_rv_parking_directions => |
external_place_id => |