slug => randy-s-bluffton-store-campground |
display_name => Randy's Bluffton Store Campground |
title_tag => |
meta_description => |
longitude => -91.91368 |
latitude => 43.40285 |
zoom_level => |
category_id => 2 |
website => |
email => |
phone1 => +15637355738 |
phone2 => |
address_line1 => 2619 W Ravine Rd |
address_line2 => |
city_id => 2090 |
state_id => 21 |
country_id => |
zip => 52101-7736 |
description => Randy's Bluffton Store and Campground is located 10 miles northwest of Decorah, Iowa, on the Upper Iowa River. We offer visitors a wide variety of activities and events. We are proud of our area and invite everyone to be our guest and share the beauty. Camping, canoeing, kayaking and an award-winning Nashville Country Music Concert await you.
Fenced and lighted playground.
Bluffton, Iowa, is a quiet, relaxed area except for one weekend a year!! Then it's the home of the award winning "Light Up The Bluff." This outdoor concert is held the last full weekend of July and features top country entertainers. This year we’re featuring Marty Stuart on July 28, 2012.
We invite you to help us "Light Up The Bluff" with our huge fireworks display.
Bluffton also offers abundant turkey, deer, pheasant and small game hunting as well as great trout and bass fishing. The autumn scenes are spectacular for leaf lookers.
The Upper Iowa River has been recommended for inclusion in the National System of Wild and Scenic Rivers and is featured in National Geographic's "America's Majestic Canyons." |
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four_wheel_drive => false |
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source => |
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title_normalized => rysblufftonstore |
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booking_url => |
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created_from_atlas => true |
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