Change History: |
Liz |
2023-03-23 13:25:04 -0700 |
slug => oasis-on-the-mesa |
display_name => Oasis on the Mesa |
title_tag => |
meta_description => |
longitude => [-105.65855961481222, -105.65895632895773] |
latitude => [36.51530414278932, 36.51529033411849] |
zoom_level => [11, 14] |
category_id => 13 |
website => ["", nil] |
email => |
phone1 => [nil, "575-776-7720"] |
phone2 => ["", nil] |
address_line1 => [nil, "240 Los Rios Rd."] |
address_line2 => ["", nil] |
city_id => 20710 |
state_id => 38 |
country_id => 1 |
zip => 87513 |
description => ["Breathtaking RV campsite adjacent to the Rio Grande and only a 10 minute drive to Taos. Property nestled between two hot springs with easy access to beautiful hiking trails and outdoor recreation. Quiet and peaceful location where you can enjoy sunrise over the mountains or watch the balloons glide across the sky. Enjoy a walk to the Rio Grande for hiking, fishing and river rafting. ", "Breathtaking RV campsite adjacent to the Rio Grande and only a 10 minute drive to Taos. Property nestled between two hot springs with easy access to beautiful hiking trails and outdoor recreation. Quiet and peaceful location where you can enjoy sunrise over the mountains or watch the balloons glide across the sky. Enjoy a walk to the Rio Grande for hiking, fishing and river rafting. Only 25 minutes to the famous Taos Ski Valley."] |
pad_type => gravel |
youtube_video => |
electric => true |
dry_camping => false |
amp_30 => true |
amp_50 => true |
water => true |
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sewer => false |
dump_station => false |
dump_station_price => ["", nil] |
laundry => false |
showers => false |
propane => false |
cable_tv => false |
wifi => [nil, "yes"] |
pets => true |
dog_run => false |
swimming_pool => |
hot_tub => false |
big_rig => true |
pull_thru => false |
max_length => [nil, 40] |
view_sites => false |
rate_low => 89 |
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monthly_rate => true |
additional_amenities => |
triple_a => false |
good_sam => false |
passport_america => false |
thousand_trails => false |
coast_coast => false |
koa => false |
user_id => 2 |
number_of_sites => 1 |
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escapees => false |
fmc => false |
featured => false |
popular => false |
picnic_table => true |
fire_ring => false |
trash_at_site => false |
restrooms => |
trash => true |
general_store => false |
restaurant => false |
security => false |
firewood => false |
no_tents => false |
rv_rental => false |
rv_storage => false |
handicap => false |
reservations => ["unknown", "yes"] |
playground => false |
water_access => false |
rec_hall => false |
recreation_trail => true |
fishing => false |
boat_ramp => false |
marina => false |
swimming_beach => false |
picnic_area => false |
gym => false |
horseshoes => false |
mini_golf => false |
arcade => false |
volleyball => false |
book_exchange => false |
rate_high => |
elevation => 7119 |
seasonal => false |
seasonal_open => |
seasonal_close => |
location_group_id => |
verified => false |
approved => false |
import_source => |
import_id => |
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is_approved => [false, true] |
is_closed => [true, false] |
is_verified_by => [nil, 2] |
is_verified_datetime => [nil, Tue, 28 Jun 2022 04:56:16.603929814 PDT -07:00] |
is_approved_by => [nil, 2] |
is_approved_datetime => [nil, Tue, 28 Jun 2022 04:56:16.604005384 PDT -07:00] |
is_closed_by => [nil, 592911] |
is_closed_datetime => [nil, Tue, 26 Jul 2022 11:20:50.783115611 PDT -07:00] |
photos_count => 0 |
reviews_count => 0 |
blog_posts_count => 0 |
getting_there => ["", nil] |
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aarp => false |
senior_discounts => false |
military_discounts => false |
pet_restrictions => |
cabins => false |
tents => yes |
basketball_court => false |
tennis_court => false |
boat_rental => false |
bike_rental => false |
four_wheel_drive => false |
small_rvs => false |
source => |
updated_by_id => |
ftx_search => |
place_id => |
group_campground => false |
group_sites => false |
fulltime_residents => false |
mobile_homes => false |
signal_att => |
signal_verizon => |
open_seasonally_text => |
phone_reservation => |
lead_photo_url_cache => ["", ""] |
city_name_cache => |
city_slug_cache => |
price_cache => 5 |
max_stay => |
ohv_area => false |
horse_corral => false |
casino => false |
title_normalized => oasisonthemesa |
stars => 0 |
adult_only => false |
clothing_optional => false |
pet_restrictions_boolean => false |
permit_required => false |
30_amp => |
avg_access_rating => 0 |
avg_location_rating => 0 |
avg_scenery_rating => 0 |
avg_cleanliness_rating => 0 |
avg_site_quality_rating => 0 |
avg_noise_rating => 0 |
avg_verizon4g_signal => |
avg_verizon3g_signal => |
avg_verizon_extended_signal => |
avg_att4g_signal => |
avg_att3g_signal => |
avg_att_extended_signal => |
avg_sprint4g_signal => |
avg_sprint3g_signal => |
avg_sprint_extended_signal => |
avg_tmobile4g_signal => |
avg_tmobile3g_signal => |
avg_tmobile_extended_signal => |
affiliate_link => |
choice_2017 => false |
choice_2018 => false |
jp_hot_springs => false |
jp_bathing_suits => false |
jp_tattoos => false |
town_id => |
youtube_video_user_id => |
youtube_video_description => |
gov_campsite_number => |
tent_only => false |
location_submitted_by_id => |
updated_by_at => |
jp_private => false |
elevation_updated => false |
closed_temporarily => false |
closed_temporarily_reason => |
open_to_all => false |
computed_rating => 0 |
booking_url => ["true", nil] |
host_rule_1 => [nil, "Pets must be on a leash at all times. Guests are responsible for cleaning up pet waste."] |
host_rule_2 => [nil, "No campfires allowed."] |
host_rule_3 => [nil, "Always close gate after arrival and departure. "] |
host_rule_4 => [nil, "No smoking on property."] |
host_rule_5 => [nil, "Reservations are required to stay at this location. It is a private property. Please do not show up unless you have booked a reservation."] |
max_height => |
max_width => [nil, 8] |
source_id => |
source_location_id => |
sq_photo_url_cache => |
sq_lead_photo_urls => [["", "", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "", "", ""]] |
published_photo_count => [19, 20] |
external_place_id => |
check_in_time => [nil, "11:00 AM"] |
check_out_time => [nil, "3:00 PM"] |
Liz |
2023-03-23 13:25:05 -0700 |
published_photo_count => [20, 21] |
Liz |
2023-03-23 13:25:05 -0700 |
published_photo_count => [21, 22] |
Liz |
2023-03-23 13:25:57 -0700 |
website => [nil, ""] |
phone2 => [nil, ""] |
address_line2 => [nil, ""] |
description => ["Breathtaking RV campsite adjacent to the Rio Grande and only a 10 minute drive to Taos. Property nestled between two hot springs with easy access to beautiful hiking trails and outdoor recreation. Quiet and peaceful location where you can enjoy sunrise over the mountains or watch the balloons glide across the sky. Enjoy a walk to the Rio Grande for hiking, fishing and river rafting. Only 25 minutes to the famous Taos Ski Valley.", ""] |
dump_station_price => [nil, ""] |
getting_there => [nil, ""] |
Liz |
2023-03-23 13:25:57 -0700 |
published_photo_count => [22, 23] |
Madeline |
2024-04-11 13:44:22 -0700 |
stars => [0, 5] |
avg_access_rating => [0, 5] |
avg_location_rating => [0, 5] |
avg_cleanliness_rating => [0, 5] |
avg_site_quality_rating => [0, 5] |
avg_noise_rating => [0, 5] |
computed_rating => [0, 5] |
avg_att5g_signal => [nil, 2] |
Steph |
2024-04-26 11:50:41 -0700 |
phone1 => ["575-776-7720", "575-776-8086"] |
phone2 => ["", "575-776-7720"] |
wifi => ["yes", "free"] |
pets => [true, false] |
big_rig => [true, false] |
max_length => [40, 24] |
number_of_sites => [1, 2] |
recycle => [true, false] |
trash_at_site => [false, true] |
trash => [true, false] |
recreation_trail => [true, false] |
host_rule_1 => ["Pets must be on a leash at all times. Guests are responsible for cleaning up pet waste.", "No campfires allowed."] |
host_rule_2 => ["No campfires allowed.", "Always close gate after arrival and departure. "] |
host_rule_3 => ["Always close gate after arrival and departure. ", "No smoking on property."] |
host_rule_4 => ["No smoking on property.", "Reservations are required to stay at this location. It is a private property. Please do not show up unless you have booked a reservation."] |
host_rule_5 => ["Reservations are required to stay at this location. It is a private property. Please do not show up unless you have booked a reservation.", ""] |
Steph |
2024-04-26 11:50:41 -0700 |
sq_lead_photo_urls => [["", "", "", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "", "", ""]] |
Steph |
2024-04-26 11:51:42 -0700 |
description => ["", "Reservations are required to stay at this location. It is a private property. Please do not show up unless you have booked a reservation."] |
Steph |
2024-04-26 11:52:35 -0700 |