Question about Indian Head Camp

Part-Time Paradise

Part-Time Paradise asked on 2/26/2020

Is this BLM, NPS, or some other agency's land? Who or what owns and regulates its use? Thanks

Answer question
45' Heartland
6 reviews

Answered on 2/26/2020:

We heard it is private, but the owner allows campers.

Answered on 12/1/2020:

Indian Head "camp" is an illegal camp. It is located on private land and the land owner does not want people camping there. Everything in Brewster County, Texas is either Federal, State, or Private land. Recently, signs have been posted along the road stating "No Camping or Overnight Parking" "No Trespassing" . "Private Property, Violators will be prosecuted".
QC, Canada
Toyota Highland Hybrid camper build

Answered on 9/25/2020:

Yep, heard the same - private but tolerated. Seems to be an easement for the NPS Indian Head Trail - the National Park starts at the end of the road. Respect to the gracious owner.