Question about Cape Blanco State Park Campground


Klarno asked on 4/19/2021

Is there a waste station at Cape Blanco State Park for black water?

Answer question

Answered on 6/15/2023:

There are 4-sites with sewer hookups.
Airstream Serenity
Ford F250
22 reviews

Answered on 7/4/2022:

No. The dump station is still out of service. The notice says that funding for the project was used elsewhere during COVID and they are currently seeking funding again. Due to 'seeking funding' and the complexity of the project, I would imagine it will be out of service for 2-3 more years. - See photo of notice for more details.

Answered on 3/19/2022:

Still closed.

Answered on 5/16/2021:

Sisters, OR
23' Oliver Oliver Legacy Elite II
Ford F150
121 reviews

Answered on 4/20/2021:

The dump station at Cape Blanco has been closed for many years. However, it is conceivable that it was repaired while the park was closed during COVID. You might try to call the park to find out more. Otherwise, plan to dump in nearby Port Orford.