slug => boot-arch-designated-dispersed-camping |
display_name => Boot Arch Designated Dispersed Camping |
title_tag => |
meta_description => |
longitude => -118.13145163836052 |
latitude => 36.632733464515205 |
zoom_level => 14 |
category_id => 6 |
website => |
email => |
phone1 => 760-872-5000 |
phone2 => |
address_line1 => Movie Rd |
address_line2 => |
city_id => 199 |
state_id => 1 |
country_id => 1 |
zip => 93545 |
description => Changes are being made to the Alabama Hills to improve the recreation experience for all users. As of late 2021 the west side of Movie Road in the Movie Flat area and any area marked with a no camping sign will be day-use only. Additional changes to dispersed camping will occur throughout the end of 2021. These changes will include a required free permit and converting all camping to designated dispersed sites. Click *[here](* for a reference map. Six porta potties have been added as well. Please pack out all human waste - Leave No Trace!
Please check the official website link above to get the most up-to-date information.
*Accessibility is not guaranteed, always scout ahead before driving down dirt roads.*
*Learn more: [Boondocking 101](* |
pad_type => dirt |
youtube_video => |
electric => false |
dry_camping => true |
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amp_50 => false |
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showers => false |
propane => false |
cable_tv => false |
wifi => |
pets => true |
dog_run => false |
swimming_pool => |
hot_tub => false |
big_rig => false |
pull_thru => true |
max_length => |
view_sites => false |
rate_low => 0 |
weekly_rate => false |
monthly_rate => false |
additional_amenities => |
triple_a => false |
good_sam => false |
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thousand_trails => false |
coast_coast => false |
koa => false |
user_id => 460233 |
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recycle => false |
happy_camper => false |
escapees => false |
fmc => false |
featured => false |
popular => false |
picnic_table => false |
fire_ring => false |
trash_at_site => false |
restrooms => |
trash => false |
general_store => false |
restaurant => false |
security => false |
firewood => false |
no_tents => false |
rv_rental => false |
rv_storage => false |
handicap => false |
reservations => no |
playground => false |
water_access => false |
rec_hall => false |
recreation_trail => false |
fishing => false |
boat_ramp => false |
marina => false |
swimming_beach => false |
picnic_area => false |
gym => false |
horseshoes => false |
mini_golf => false |
arcade => false |
volleyball => false |
book_exchange => false |
rate_high => |
elevation => 4790 |
seasonal => false |
seasonal_open => |
seasonal_close => |
location_group_id => |
verified => false |
approved => false |
import_source => |
import_id => |
is_verified => false |
is_approved => true |
is_closed => false |
is_verified_by => |
is_verified_datetime => |
is_approved_by => |
is_approved_datetime => |
is_closed_by => |
is_closed_datetime => |
photos_count => 0 |
reviews_count => 0 |
blog_posts_count => 0 |
getting_there => |
open_seasonally => false |
dispersed => true |
fiftyfiveplus => false |
aarp => false |
senior_discounts => false |
military_discounts => false |
pet_restrictions => |
cabins => false |
tents => yes |
basketball_court => false |
tennis_court => false |
boat_rental => false |
bike_rental => false |
four_wheel_drive => false |
small_rvs => false |
source => |
updated_by_id => |
ftx_search => |
place_id => 1584 |
group_campground => false |
group_sites => false |
fulltime_residents => false |
mobile_homes => false |
signal_att => |
signal_verizon => |
open_seasonally_text => |
phone_reservation => |
lead_photo_url_cache => |
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city_slug_cache => |
price_cache => 0 |
max_stay => 14 |
ohv_area => false |
horse_corral => false |
casino => false |
title_normalized => bootarchdesignateddisperseding |
stars => 0 |
adult_only => false |
clothing_optional => false |
pet_restrictions_boolean => false |
permit_required => true |
30_amp => |
avg_access_rating => 0 |
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avg_scenery_rating => 0 |
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avg_site_quality_rating => 0 |
avg_noise_rating => 0 |
avg_verizon4g_signal => |
avg_verizon3g_signal => |
avg_verizon_extended_signal => |
avg_att4g_signal => |
avg_att3g_signal => |
avg_att_extended_signal => |
avg_sprint4g_signal => |
avg_sprint3g_signal => |
avg_sprint_extended_signal => |
avg_tmobile4g_signal => |
avg_tmobile3g_signal => |
avg_tmobile_extended_signal => |
affiliate_link => |
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choice_2018 => false |
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jp_bathing_suits => false |
jp_tattoos => false |
town_id => |
youtube_video_user_id => |
youtube_video_description => |
gov_campsite_number => |
tent_only => false |
location_submitted_by_id => |
updated_by_at => |
jp_private => false |
elevation_updated => false |
closed_temporarily => false |
closed_temporarily_reason => |
open_to_all => false |
computed_rating => 0 |
booking_url => |
host_rule_1 => |
host_rule_2 => |
host_rule_3 => |
host_rule_4 => |
host_rule_5 => |
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source_id => |
source_location_id => |
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sq_lead_photo_urls => [] |
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avg_att5g_signal => |
avg_tmobile5g_signal => |
check_in_time => |
check_out_time => |
external_place_id => |