slug => beechland-campground |
display_name => Beechland Campground |
title_tag => |
meta_description => |
longitude => -75.675032 |
latitude => 35.8967722 |
zoom_level => |
category_id => 2 |
website => |
email => |
phone1 => |
phone2 => |
address_line1 => 256 S. California Lane |
address_line2 => |
city_id => 18605 |
state_id => 40 |
country_id => |
zip => 27954 |
description => Welcome to Beechland Campground,
At Beechland campground you will discover beautiful sunset views over the Croatan Sound. Take the bikes over to downtown Manteo located just over a mile from your campsite where you'll find plenty of art and shopping to fill your afternoons. Bring the Kayaks too, as we are located within walking distance to the Bowsertown Boat Ramp off California Lane. If you're looking for a beach adventure, we are just 10 minutes from Jennette's pier. Don't forget Fort Raleigh, The Elizabethan Gardens & The Aquarium, all located on the North End of Roanoke Island just 5 minutes from the campground.
Of course, if you're looking to slow down during your travels you will find everything you need right here on property. Our heated pool overlooks the sound and you will find full shower facilities in our bathhouse. All of our campsites feature full hookups and boast robust internet service. Bring the pup with you at Beechland. We have a lovely little dog park to let them roam, we just ask that you clean up after your pet. Please look but don't touch when you take in the sites of our small private farm located down Fannin Mill road.
Close enough to everything to make the perfect beach vacation, but still away from the hustle and bustle. Come get lost at Beechland Campground! |
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is_approved_datetime => |
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source => |
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30_amp => |
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computed_rating => 0 |
booking_url => |
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